Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Leave Chicago now while you still can !!

Tribal warfare and chaos in Chicago !

The most desired dorm at the University of Colorado !

If you are going to the University of Colorado, try to get into this dorm !  Especially if you are unarmed as this dorm will be the safest dorm on campus !

Friday, August 24, 2012

Why Gen X and Y should not save for retirement !

I've said time and time again that it is just a matter of time before the government seizes any retirement you have managed to put together.  If you are generation X (like me) or generation Y, your savings will be confiscated by the government.  So what do you do?  Enjoy life now!  Don't bother saving for retirement !

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Men, don't fall for the special victim status BS !

The captain explains why men and whites should not fall into the victim status trap !

Libertarians should not support crony capitalism !

There is a big difference between true free market capitalism and crony capitalism which is what we have had for more than a hundred years in the US.  We must advocate for real libertarianism.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Take the vote from almost everyone !!

If you rob Peter to pay Paul, you can always count on the support of Paul.  You make an enemy of Peter but can you really trust Paul ? Pareto's Law is why almost everyone should be denied the right to vote !

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

The 'over population' fallacy !!

Governments love control.  Attempts to control populations are efforts to subvert nature.  The twentieth century was the bloodiest in terms of human casualties caused exclusively by governments from facist to communist.  The 21st century just might surpass the 20th. as mankind is off to a great start !

The truth about Lincoln !!

Here's what they don't teach you about Abraham Lincoln in public schools !

Lesser of two evils !

The lesser of two evils is still evil.  Enjoy the decline !

Monday, August 13, 2012

For the boys (and girls) !!

Bob Wallace on chivalry:

Comic Books and the Loss of Chivalry

There is a local coffee house I frequent. The last time I was there the woman who took our order – who appeared to be about 25 – also made our drinks. I didn’t see anyone else behind the counter.“Are you the only one working here?” I asked. In response she put her hands akimbo on her hips and turned her head sideways. I started laughing.
“What are you, Superman?” I asked.
“Supergirl,” she answered.
I crossed my wrists at my chest and said, “You look more like you’ve got the Wonder Woman thing going.”
“Well,” she answered. “She did have the uniform and bracelets.”
Then something struck me. “You read comic books,” I said.
“I certainly do,” she answered. That’s why she knew about Superman putting his hands on his hips and turning his head sideways. And that Wonder Woman had bracelets.
That encounter got me thinking. I was never that much of a Superman fan – I much preferred Commando Cody flying around with that jetpack on his back and blasting evildoers with his .45 – but he and Superman and all the rest of the comic book heroes were chivalrous. That’s why they were superheroes – at core knights with superpowers.
But not so much anymore. Superman has now given up his U.S. citizenship and is supposedly a citizen of the world – a demented, indeed perverted, fantasy if there ever was one. Whatever happened to Truth, Justice and the American Way?
Chivalry is a Western invention. Or should I say discovery? It came from Christianity and is based on the better warrior virtues (which means it’s not based on murdering innocents and calling them “collateral damage”). It’s about protecting the weak and helpless, and about righting wrongs and punishing evildoers.
All comic book heroes were originally chivalrous, be they Superman or Batman or the Phantom or the Green Hornet or the Rocketeer (who is the modern-day version of Commando Cody). Before them it was King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table.
I originally learned about chivalry from Edgar Rice Burroughs, specifically his novel, A Fighting Man of Mars, which I encountered when I was 12. (You can argue that ERB wrote novels, not comic books, but I’d respond that his novels, as wonderful as they are, are actually comic books that happen to not have drawings, although some of the cover artists, such as the late Frank Frazetta, did comics.)
Some of the superheroes were more of knights errant than not. Batman, for one, who was a bit of a psychological mess. But he still tried to be a chivalrous knight.
We’ve lost the chivalrous ideal. Organizations where young boys can learn the basics, such as the Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts, are now considered by the “elites” to be embarrassing. That’s one of the reasons, among many, why our “elites” are anti-American traitors.
The military no longer teaches chivalry, not when soldiers are just cannon fodder to be used up by our treacherous and cowardly elites to advance the destined-to-collapse American empire. The last time the military was half-way chivalrous was during the War between the States. The syphilitic homosexual Lincoln and the insane alcoholic Sherman put a permanent end to that.
It’s too bad the South didn’t win. I’d take Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson over any Northern general every time. (I find it interesting the South evolved from Celtic warrior culture, while the North was dominated by merchants who put money-making above everything – just as we have today with what I call Cosmodemonic Transnational Corporations.)
People are imitative animals, as Thomas Jefferson noticed. It’s how we learn, as he also noticed. When boys and girls have poor models, mentors and mirrors, they’re going imitate degraded values and grow up confused. It’s not hard to see that today, what with chivalry and Christianity both on life support.
Feminism, which has founded by envious man-hating lesbians, certainly hasn’t helped. Leftists think human nature doesn’t exist and people aren’t much more than Lockean blank slates. That is why feminists, even today, are trying to turn little boys into little girls, usually with Ritalin.
If I had my way I’d close down the public schools. These days it’d be impossible to teach Edgar Rice Burroughs in them (he wasn’t taught when I was in school). And the Greek myths. And the Brothers Grimm. And Rudyard Kipling and H. Rider Haggard. As for comic books? God forbid. The deluded and self-righteous would wax wroth and froth at the mouth.
When it comes to boys, I’d teach them how to read with the stories in comic books. I’d teach them Edgar Rice Burroughs starting when they were six. I’d guarantee you they’d Hoover those stories right up. They’d learn what chivalry really is – and they’d be better for it (I never heard the word “chivalry” mentioned in school or even college).
Teaching boys means more male teachers. Some women have enough sense to let boys be boys. Most women teachers don’t, though. I’ve met enough of them to know that many of them shouldn’t be teachers. Education degrees, no matter how advanced, are worthless.
Men have lost their way. They’re finding it again, fortunately. It’s a healthy reaction to the evils of feminism, which, being leftist, has damaged and destroyed everything it touched. Including the characters of many men.
I had mentioned three words – mentor, model, mirror. A mentor is obvious. Boys and girl need mentors. These days, even a fair number of parents are not mentors, since they leave it up to the schools to do their jobs. And what a job many schools do!
A model is someone you model yourself after. A mirror is someone who reflects back to you. A bad mirror will humiliate and abuse a child. Children will see that and then they become what they behold. A good mirror builds children up.
Boys today lack mentors. They lack models – decent models, at least. I see a noticeable number of boys who are “aspiring rap artists,” which is worse than merely embarrassing. It can be dangerous. And guess what kind of lowlifes these boys took for their role models? And since people are educated by imitation…
The mirrors for boys in schools today are mostly terrible ones. We all know what is reflected back to boys, and what attitudes are directed at them.
Incidentally, I’ve seen children, especially boys, dress up as Harry Potter. He’s a model for kids to imitate. When my nephew was little he was such a huge fan of Bravestar he had his mother make him a costume of him that he wore for Halloween.
Unfortunately, if private schools imitate public schools, they aren’t going to be any better than the public ones. But, in the long run, competition improves everything. Including the schools.
And someday, maybe, just maybe, boys might come out of school knowing who John Carter is. And Woola the loyal Martian hound dog. And Barsoom. And Tarzan (who was created by Burroughs). And all the whole pantheon of chivalrous comic book heroes.
It even works for girls, as in the case of my nerdette friend who was such a fan of Supergirl and Wonder Woman. It might even help stop young girls from falling for the destructive and dangerous delusion of feminism.
Fortunately, in the long run, people and society will straighten themselves out. The pendulum always swings back.

Ryan on Obamacare !

Friday, August 3, 2012

Fred on Race !

Race Hucksters

God Save Us from Federal Help

July 30, 2012
I read, with the joy that I usually reserve for recurrent migraines, that Precedent Obama will establish an Office of African-American Education, thus furthering the racial Balkanization of the country, providing makework jobs for useless bureaucrats and, predictably, accomplishing nothing. I read also that the NAACP has filedcomplaint with the Department of Education against Fairfax County, Virginia, just outside of Washington, because its high school for the very bright, Thomas Jefferson High, doesn’t have enough blacks.

Read more here:

Death of Chivalry by Uncle Bob !

The evil man is the child grown strong – Thomas Hobbes

Uncle Bob tells it like it is !

The sickness that is the Olympics !

I hate to admit this, but I know and care very little about the Olympics.  I've long been of the opinion that it's frankly impossible to have genuine competition between athletes from all over the world, what with some countries basically raising potential medal winners on special farms and filling them full of all sorts of junk, and countries like  the US finding it impossible to compete at all without emulating that sort of thing, one way or another.  And of course the Olympics is run by and for the governments of the countries involved, and is therefore pretty distant from any actual athletic ideals.  Indeed, it seems that political correctness is more important than athletics, what with what happened to Voula Papachristou.  But it's of great interest to see what kind of show the governments put on, and what they seem to be trying to say.  Sean Gabb looks at how it all went down in Old Blighty: (Go to his own site for another picture of the Queen.)
Read more here:

Progressives are the real racists !