Monday, July 30, 2012

James Holmes was a lunatic !

I promised myself that I would not add to Holmes' fifteen minutes of infamy, so here is UncleBob !

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Very few people own their home !

I've said it time and time again.  Very few people actually own their home.  Doubt me?  Listen to the Captain !

Monday, July 16, 2012

Retirement? Yeah, right !

It is no secret that social security and medicare are unsustainable in it's current form. The politicians literally stole the money a long time ago.   If  something isn't done soon,  those counting on the government checks will be left with nothing as the system collapses in bankruptcy.  Luckily those with IRA's and 401K's will be spared right?  Before you celebrate understand that Ireland, Bolivia, Argentina, and Bulgaria, have already raided private retirement accounts to fund a bloated government! There are several ways to do this but I like forcing your retirement plan's purchase of worthless government issued securities! Watch your IRA and 401K's!  Me?  I'm going with the Smith and Wesson retirement plan !

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Chicago, we have a problem !

The violence in Chicago is shockingly brutal.  This in a city with a handgun ban for law abiding citizens.  That is working out great!

Here's what the police chief had to say: "Closing the gap, that’s a big issue. It’s a long time coming. Um, you know, we’ve done a lot of things wrong in policing in this country. I’m willing to admit that. But this goes back two, three hundred years to the time when Pilgrims came here and things started developing from that, the African American experience in this country."

That is not a typo!  He blamed the Pilgrims!  

Chicago, we have a problem!! 

Citizenship should be an honor !

It is time we made becoming a US citizen an honor worth paying for through service to country.

This We'll Defend !!

I'm loving this story !

Cappy Rants !!

The Captain has spoken !!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Entitlement Mentality !!

I just don't understand the entitlement mentality.  Why on earth would someone think they are entitled to someone else's property that hasn't been earned?  Charity is freely given but entitlements are stolen from those who toil away to earn a living.  If one gets a check that is unearned, no matter the reason, he is a parasite!  These transfer payments have to stop if we are going to heal this pervasive sickness.  Please understand that I'm not rich and was born poor in the projects of Detroit. I have been hungry and nearly homeless several times.  Once I ate Ramen noodles for about a year.  Another time a friend fed me while I was in college for about nine months.  Not once did I even consider welfare.  I would rather starve to death than benefit from the theft of others.  I was listening to the President yesterday and he said that "we" can't afford tax breaks for the "rich".  Who is "we"?  The "we" is government.  The government can't afford to let the so called rich keep more of what they earn?  The government 'can't afford it'.  Wow!

There aren't enough rich people out there and they pay most of the taxes.  The 'rich' pay about 80% of the taxes and the 'middle class' pay the remaining 20% (federal).  But there are way more 'middle class' people the government can steal money from compared to the rich so the 'middle class' will be the ultimate target.  I guess the politicians can't say that though.    The idea is that someone's property will be confiscated just not yours!  People seem to buy that argument!  Revenue to the federal government averages about two trillion dollars per annum.  Just maybe we should stop sending so much of our hard earned money overseas to countries that really don't appreciate it.  And just maybe we should stop funding crony capitalism with corporate welfare schemes!  Maybe, the government can stop sticking it's nose into private enterprise (ie, commerce) which usually means graft.

Lastly, this Obamacare thing is really interesting.  People demanding 'free healthcare' but the polls say most people are against the Obamacare law.  I can tell you most physicians are against the law.  Physicians know what the government is capable of!  Many blame the problems we have on government intervention.  Those in favor point to the UK and Canada as models.  Physicians want to know which part of the UK and Canada models are desirable?  Is it  the long wait times to see a physician or the lack of facilities?  How about the bureaucracy? Probably because it appears free! Perhaps those models are dependent on the generosity of the American economic system that we want to destroy?  Isn't it interesting that as the American economic system crashes, so are the socialized medical systems of Europe and Canada.  How's healthcare working out in Greece?  Anyone? The republicans shout "it's a tax" and the democrats "it's a penalty".  Does it really matter what the government calls it?  I have to question the intelligence of anyone who says that the public was deceived.  Or  maybe this is political posturing, who knows?  There is no way anyone could have been fooled by a "mandate" in this bill.  It means that the government is going to force you to pay!  And besides, there are literally hundreds of other declared taxes in the bill! (16,000 IRS agents, people!)  I agree with CJ Roberts on this point!  Again, wink, wink!  The politicians plead that the mandate doesn't apply to you but those other guys!  wink! wink! There are lots of young people who don't need 'health insurance' because they are healthy!  The government can't wait to get the revenue from this demographic in hopes that it will help to budget for the massive economic tsunami that is coming. Young people will not be working anytime soon so income taxes are a 'no go'.   It will not help because politicians are really bad at math!  And I mean really bad at math!  Don't believe me, look at the degrees of the politicians:  lots of liberal arts and lawyers, very few engineers, scientists, accountants, and physicians!

If you want to know what we should do, the answer is simple.  Usually, the opposite of what the politicians are suggesting.  I listed my solution to Obamacare in an earlier post. But really, we have to change the minds of people who think they can vote themselves money from our treasury!

Economics by Fred

A good summary of layman's economics can be found here.  Go to Fred's page and send him some money !

Repentance is for Quitters

Repentance: once a means of righting your wrongs before God, now a mechanism for the savages of our post-Christian society to publicly humiliate anyone who goes against the grain.
If you’re a rebel and the masses can’t kill or silence you, their fallback is to try to convert you. Castrate you, lobotomize you, make you as mindless and suppliant as they are.
O’Brien smiled slightly. “You are a flaw in the pattern, Winston. You are a stain that must be wiped out. Did I not tell you just now that we are different from the persecutors of the past? We are not content with negative obedience, nor even with the most abject submission. When finally you surrender to us, it must be of your own free will. We do not destroy a heretic because he resists us; so long as he resists us we never destroy him. We convert him, we capture his inner mind, we reshape him. We burn all evil and all illusion out of him; we bring him over to our side, not in appearance, but genuinely, heart and soul. We make him one of ourselves before we kill him. It is intolerable to us that an erroneous thought should exist anywhere in the world, however secret and powerless it may be. Even in the instance of death we cannot permit any deviation. In the old days a heretic walked to the stake still a heretic, proclaiming his heresy, exulting in it. Even the victim of the Russian purges could carry rebellion locked up in his skull as he walked down the passage waiting for the bullet. But we make the brain perfect before we blow it out. The command of the old despotisms was “Thou shalt not.’ The command of the totalitarians was ‘Thou shalt.’ Our command is ‘Thou art.’ No one whom we bring to this place ever stands out against us. Everyone is washed clean…
George Orwell, 1984
Orwell was right and wrong. He envisioned that our future tyrants would keep us in check with ultraviolence. But just because America doesn’t have any gulags doesn’t mean our treatment of thoughtcriminals is any less like Oceania’s.
Death camps and firing squads are weak sauce compared to the ultimate weapon of mass obedience: social ostracism.
Say something truthful but upsetting to the established order, and you’ll likely lose your job. If you don’t get fired right off the bat, you can bet there’ll be a torch-wielding mob threatening your employer into submission. Criticize your Marxist, feminist, lunatic leftist professors and be threatened with failing grades, never mind academia’s claim to be a place where ideas can be exchanged freely. Espouse red pill ideas in front of your blue pill friends and get kicked out of the club.
In the cult of political correctness, Oprah and Obama are the high priests. Kneel before them, heretics!
Ostracism is more effective than bonfires or bullets both because it sows doubt among the rebel’s followers while simultaneously preying on his desire for social acceptance. A murdered man easily becomes a martyr, more powerful in death than he ever was in life. Men who are jailed or otherwise silenced can inspire loyalty too. But a rebel broken down, seemingly recanting his beliefs, apologizingfor what he’s said, brings discord to his movement. Some begin doubting their faith in him, while others might go extremist. Think how Malcolm X was murdered by one of his own supporters for the crime of moderating his beliefs.
Either way, if the rebel recants, the revolution is dead.
As for social acceptance, this cuts deep to man’s nature as a social animal. Contrary to what a generation raised on the boob tube and the silver screen thinks, the path of a rebel is a lonely one. Wouldn’t it be nice to be normal? Have a nice normal, boring job, normal boring friends, spend all your free time splayed out in front of the TV or watching cat videos on your iPhone while shoveling donuts in your mouth? Just be another happy-go-lucky American moron.
Sure, you’ll be fat, depressed and stupid, but at least you won’t be alone in your misery.
That’s one thing an honest human fears: being alone. Not having a single soul, be it a friend, a lover or a family member, who cares about your existence. The masses promise that you’ll never be alone so long as you do exactly what they say.
They’re lying, but those lies can be tempting after a lifetime of being a pariah. “Why oh why didn’t I take the BLUE pill?”
This is what happened to Tucker Max. After a lifetime of spitting in the face of the establishment, he finally broke down. Granted, he was a narcissistic asshole, but he was also honest, funny and most importantly, right. Loneliness, combined with a string of high-profile business failures (his movie bombed, his media company collapsed, and his second book barely sold compared to his first), got to him. Max couldn’t simply say, “Look, I want to move on from my old life, but I’m not apologizing for what I’ve written,” he went to the Room 101 of therapy and came out a drooling vegetable.
But it was all right, everything was all right, the struggle was finished. He had won the victory over himself. He loved Big Brother.
No man is more honorable than the one who goes to his grave without repenting, without apologizing for speaking the truth to a world infatuated with lies. Hunter S. Thompson is the best example. He ended his life without going to rehab, without giving up the drugs, without apologizing for what he wrote or believed. He didn’t give his enemies the satisfaction of breaking his spirit.
He died a rebel. And to die a rebel fighting against a corrupt society is to die a hero.
I’m young enough that I can’t say how the rest of my life is going to turn out, but I do know one thing:I’m not giving in. I refuse to repent.
Will I be wrong from time to time? Of course. Will I fuck up in a major way? It’s all but guaranteed.
But I will not apologize for speaking what I believe to be the truth.
“Misogynist,” “racist,” “fascist,” “immoral,” “douchebag”; throw any name at me and I’ll wear it with pride. Your disapproval is my fuel. I’m not interested in the poison pill you’re offering me. If the price of rebelling against corruption and sickness is loneliness, it’s a cross I’m willing to bear.
Come and get me.

I posted the article in it's entirety but you can visit Matt Forney here

Sunday, July 8, 2012

PhD in Manosphere Studies !

If one can get a PhD in women's studies (and I know at least one guy with a PhD in Hip Hop!) why not this?

Sign of the times!!

This is funny!!!

The Fed needs your help !!

The latest job report is interesting.  While 80,000 jobs were added during June, 85,000 filed for disability during the same month.  As I write this the Fed is preparing for another stimulus, QE5 or 6, I lost track.  In my opinion, the further infusion of phony money into our economic system is just prolonging the inevitable as it masks inflation and decreases the value of the money that we have. Eventually, the inflation will be obvious and the value of the dollar will be nearly zero.  The unemployment rate is nearly twice what is reported as thousands are kicked off the rolls as their unemployment benefits have expired.  By the way, the states are shortening the unemployment benefit duration as we speak so new enrollees will have shorter benefit schedules.  Lastly, lets admit it:  Probably the one individual running for President who could reverse this situation can't garner more than about 15% of the popular vote because very few (?10-15%) have heard of the Federal Reserve or know what is in the Constitution!  I think the Fed needs some help in bringing about the collapse before the end of the year (Obamacare not going to help in a major way until next year) and the disability claimants have shown us the way! It is known that over half of the population currently depend on a check from the treasury, lets push that number to 70% or more!!  That should put us at QE8 or 9 by election time.  Come on!  Let's get this done because I'm tired of arguing with Keynesian economists and I have better things to do next year like stock my bunker!

Feminization of men can only end in total destruction !

This is a good read: "Everyone a Harlot".

One guy goes 'John Galt' !!!!

Why would someone 'kill the goose that laid the golden eggs'? No matter what the statists tell you, you can only milk a cow so much before the laws of diminishing returns kicks in. Statists believe money grows on trees!  Many of the producers are 'going Galt' on the parasites!  I wish them well.  I couldn't believe this story when I first read it!

Friday, July 6, 2012

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Let's really celebrate July 4th !!!!

Random thought

As a former Army officer, I know that every military officer takes the same oath.  That oath is to defend the Constitution of the United States of America against all enemies foreign and domestic.  So let the arrests begin!!!!

Monday, July 2, 2012

If you really want to improve education, get rid of public schools !

According to my unscientific analysis, students in public school waste approximately 75% of their time.  Private schools average about 60% with a range of 50-70%.  Some will probably disagree with me and put the number closer to 90% for public schools.  This means that a kid in high school could graduate in about a year and a half if he were truly motivated.  So what happens during the rest of the time?  I could say nothing, but sadly, it is worse than that!

The political spectrum

Don't be fooled about a supposed left-right paradigm.  There really is only one question to be answered:  Does a particular political philosophy increase or decrease the power of the state?  The two ends of the political spectrum are really anarchy vs tyranny.

Get a college education free of charge !!

Get a college education without wasting hundreds of thousands of dollars and precious time!!  

Go to college for free!!  Yes you heard that right!

Learn a language for free!!  No I'm not kidding!

Learn computer coding for free!!  Yes, I said free!!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

My analysis of the obamacare ruling

I have read most of the SCOTUS ruling on Obamacare.  If you are interested you can read it here.

I see two main issues that the court had to address:  First is the commerce clause in the Constitution.  Second, is the taxing issue.  I'm going to address the commerce clause first because I think it is the most straightforward (if you are a constitutionalist!)  There are basically three areas in the Constitution that statists exploit to achieve their goals.  The "general welfare", "regulate commerce", and taxing authority provisions outlined in the Constitution.  Now, 'promoting the general welfare' could mean just about any activity could be regulated by the federal government but the key is to read the entire paragraph and put it into context with  what the signers of the constitution had in mind ! It is clear to me that promoting the general welfare is limited to activities such as preventing invasions and such.  It was never intended to be interpreted as some sort of reason to institute cradle to grave statist policies!

The same can be said of the 'commerce clause'.  Regulating interstate commerce among the states requires that such commerce exists in the first place.  Also, it is not enough to have a particular commerce to exist but that it's regulation is deemed necessary to avoid conflict between the involved states.  In other words, the regulation is intended to allow smooth business transaction to take place and minimize conflicts between parties.  The commerce clause was neither  intended to be a weapon to force individuals to participate in a particular industry nor force an individual  to enter into a particular type of commerce.  The federal intrusion into commerce must necessarily be limited otherwise any and all business enterprises could be regulated including intrastate commerce!  The federal government's role should be as an objective observer or referee, if you will, in commerce between the states.  Regulating is not instituting or participating!

Congress has the authority to lay taxes, both indirect and direct.  Direct taxes must be apportioned among the states.  Generally, indirect taxes are consumption taxes that require one's active participation.  The sixteenth amendment is problematic as it gave the federal government the power to tax wages or income.  Prior to the sixteenth amendment, federal revenue was obtained primarily from tariffs, corporate and excise taxes.  The sixteenth amendment (passed in 1913 in conjunction with the Federal Reserve Act) was required because the government wanted to continue to spend without having to worry about how to budget for federal programs such as social security and medicare (passed in 1935 and 1965 respectively).  One of the problems with the sixteenth amendment was that it granted a new federal power of confiscating private property from an individual by fiat.  Another problem is that it granted a new federal power of confiscating private property from an individual by fiat !!  This is a direct tax that is not apportioned.  It also contributes to the  wealth gap and persistent poverty.  Income taxes increase the wealth gap and cause persistent poverty by encouraging consumerism and discouraging saving and investing.  Again, the income tax was never intended  for the majority of the populace but was passed "to make the rich contribute" to the bill for social security!  At the time the sixteenth amendment was passed only about 1% of the population was subject to the income tax!!  How do you like them apples!!

So let us get back to the Obamacare ruling!  In my opinion, the federal government has been given a most dangerous weapon.  That of confiscating the property of others in the form of taxes (income) by virtue of the sixteenth amendment which was passed (but not ratified) and advertised as a 'tax on the rich'.  Now the income tax applies to not just the rich and has allowed the government to morph the ability to tax to just about anything it wants!  I disagree with Justice Roberts because while the government has the ability through precedent to just about tax anything.  The government has never been able to tax inactivity or non-participation.  This opens up a whole new source of funding for the federal government (maybe this is how the federal government plans to pay back the Federal Reserve?).   The only way to correct this in the long term is the repeal of the sixteenth amendment!

So what's next?  Well how about a tax (excuse me, penalty) for not purchasing low flow toilets or solar panels?  Did you buy a electric car this year? Well, why not ? Get ready because the possibilities are endless!!